Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Stability is a joke.

1 comment:

  1. what does the word 'stable' mean anyway? is it a society standard that we all must go by and live in? what are people? what do they mean? how can these people call themselves so stable when they live by shadows of lives, deny themselves the truth and live day after day ignoring things that are so obviously in front of them? is that 'stable'? how is a person that is constantly happy socially acceptable but a person is it that a person who is constantly depressed have a mental problem? what is stable? who decides what stable mean? why do we think when we end up in a paradox whenever we do?

    stability doesn't exist. if everything is stable, there would be no evolution. there is only measures, some desperate, others not, and there is only what happens. stability means consistency and nothing in this world is consistent.

    -Sam Lupin
