Sunday, November 25, 2012

I read all of your comments and I appreciate all of you.
I think there is something a lot of you don't see though.
I am not actually trying to get better nor was that ever my intention.
I do not have any plans of sticking around for much longer.
I do not love myself.
I don;t know if I ever really knew how to.
I can't even fathom having a future.
I don't see myself going to art school or accomplishing any of the things I once hoped to.
I don't think I can handle any of this much longer.
I'm so sorry.


  1. I understand... I once thought the same way you did, even sometimes iwale up and look in the mirror and think what the fuck have i done to be ugly. Everyone thinks im beautiful, without the help of makeup and the million other things i do to myself im nothing. Some days are better than others sweetie you just gotta get up in the morning and think of all the reasons you are Alive. Cause there is a reason. And think about all the people in your life that love you and how horrid it will be for them. Everything happens for a reason just as i stumbled across your blog by accident.
