I'm attempting recovery.
Sort of.
It's more like working out and eating healthier but restricting to the point that I used to.
And I probably won't stop purging either so really it's more like eating disorder magnified times fifty.
Awesome shit.
Not really.
I have coffee that's growing colder so I'll make another post later.
Probably not.
Love you. :*
Well I'm lonely like you're lonely but only cause it's thrown me like it's thrown you I don't own you, and my darling you don't own me. It's kicking and it's yelling and it's bruising and it's swelling. But the writing is on the wall and we both know what it's been telling us to do. Well I'm crying and you're crying into silent salty lakes. The road has turned to ice and we haven't any breaks, so while the wall keeps getting closer I fear it's too late not to break our hearts.
Well, darling whatever it is, we'll be eight here behind you! <3 Sometimes it's good to take a break or try to at least... (: