Tuesday, April 9, 2013


If you see that I have unfollowed you please don't be alarmed.
Message me about it so I know which blog you own.
It could have been an accident but I have unfollowed a lot of blogs.
If I unfollowed you purposefully it is because your blog was either very triggering or I do not share the same views as you.
I sincerely apologize if my unfollowing has offended you in any way.

1 comment:

  1. in my opinion, you're allowed to choose which blog you do or do not follow. if it's very triggering to you, then producing you harm in any way? it's not worth it. to be honest, there are quite a handful of blogs i find severely triggering. specifically a load of bulimia blogs and whilst i still have them on my dash, i don't particularly read any of them.
    nobody makes a blog with an intent of triggering other people (not most people anyway), so i'd hardly think people would find it offensive.
    i hope you're doing well sweetheart. i'll go look at that other blog now.
    -Sam Lupin
