So close to the 130's I can almost taste it.
Dad knows I didn't eat dinner last night because I was too busy talking to Lukas to stage it.
But he forgot.
So it's all good.
Breakfast this morning was yogurt:80 calories shared with my Honey.
It's so cute. She absolutely loves yogurt.
In other news since I've been so busy talking to Lukas I haven't had time to cut.
So I'm officially two days cut free.
I think my cuts are infected.
This kid is amazing.
I'd share the love but you can't have him.
I miss Samantha.
She was supposed to visit me this weekend but Dad said no.
I haven't seen her since before my second suicide attempt.
It feels like forever when you've been friends for fourteen years and you were used to seeing each other every weekend.
It hurts my heart not to see her.
She sounded near tears when I talked to her last.
I don't blame her.
I've hurt her so fucking much.
I'm a horrible friend.
I'm going to listen to old music and wait for Lukas to wake up from his nap and try not to cry.
<3 I love you
Stay strong lovies
Two days of progression fershure. This boy sounds good. Oh! And puppies are the best at creating smiles. <3