Saturday, February 25, 2012


It's snowing again.
My fingers feel like ice.
I feel sort of sluggish today.
My head is full of icy water.
It's heavy.
My thinking isn't clear.
I keep seeing things that aren't there.
Flashbacks are killing me.
I had a nightmare I've never had before last night.
I hate being touched.
I can't stand it.
I woke up shaking.
I couldn't breathe.
My skin was crawling.
I wanted to rip it off but there were too many people around this morning.
I ate too much.
160 calories.
No fat.
I feel like I've ballooned.
I need a cigarette.
I've been watching Black Swan.
I love her body.
But all these sex scenes make me feel disgusting.
I think I'll make coffee.
I mean it's just more calories but the caffeine will kill my hunger pains and boost my metabolism.
And it'll only be thirty five or so calories.
No fat.
I feel terrified of food today.
This doesn't really happen all that often.
I'm just going to go make coffee.
And stay away from my brother.
And just people in general.
<3 Stay strong

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